Curricular Activities

Academic Excellence

Importance Of Discipline In Student’s Life For Academic Success

Discipline is the most crucial factor in everyone’s life. It is the rules and regulations to follow while undertaking any

Admission Open

What Is Curriculum Development And Why Is It Important?

In this article, the Ideal Education Point (New Choudhary Public School) will highlight Curriculum planning and explain how it lays the foundation for

Admissions Open 2024-25

Top 10 Tips to Score High in RBSE 10th Board Exams

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, is responsible for conducting the 10th board exams in the state. These exams are

Admission Open 2024-25

What is the Role of Parental involvement in Student’s Success?

Parents play an important role in a child’s academic success. Parents provide the child’s basic, nurturing needs and contribute to

Admissions Open

How To Motivate Your Child To Do Homework?

Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to complete the Homework on time? If you find it easy,

Best Education System

How to Build Self-Confidence in Students?

Self-confidence is very helpful for students in building social skills and resilience to reach their potential both in and out

Best Education

Importance of Extra Curricular Activities in Schools

Nowadays, competition is too much, so parents start pressurizing kids, and they work on All work and no play. Rest